Practical Dentistry – A Step By Step Approach to Diagnosis, Planning, Surgery and Medical Treatment

Piotr Godziebiewski

£60.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

£0 +VAT (Member price)

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The aim of this learning series with Piotr Godziebiewski, is to improve your understanding of oral pathology, available treatment options and clinical decision making in canine and feline dentistry.

It includes practical demonstrations of surgical extraction techniques for dental patients, with a focus on how to avoid common complications and what to do when they occur.

The series also includes discussions on delivery of dentistry services in general practice including communication with clients, colleagues, and insurance companies to ensure the best clinical outcome for the patient.

5.5 Hours CPD

£60.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

£0 +VAT (Member price)

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  • Description

    Topics covered:

    • Review of feline and canine oral pathology including periodontal disease, paradental disease, dental trauma, tooth resorption and the most common oral tumours
    • Extraction techniques: including mechanical principles, extraction planning and application
    • Design and creation of mucogingival flaps for teeth extraction
    • Anaesthesia and analgesia in dental patients, including local and regional anaesthesia
    • Introduction to malocclusions: recognising what is normal and what is not
    • Cadaver based practical sessions covering closed and open extraction techniques

  • In association with...

    Dental Vets

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