Moving On With Orthopaedics

Turlough O’Neill

£90.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

0 +VAT (Member price)

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This learning series with Turlough O’Neill looks at the theory, decision making process and execution of fracture repair. These techniques are achievable in a well-appointed practice situation by a well-informed veterinarian, and this learning series aims to give confidence to those with a basic orthopaedic surgery understanding, or any who wish to start to build their strengths with fracture repair.

The videos cover fracture repair using pins and wires, external skeletal fixators, as well as plates and screws and will provide a clear understanding of fracture biomechanics and healing. Knowledge of how to apply this information when deciding on what measures to use to counteract these forces, and hence optimise the healing process, is also provided.

Plates and screws are an ever-developing area of fracture fixation, with standard plates being slowly replaced with locking or fixed angle constructs. These concepts are explained, including a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages. ESF construction is also covered, including the more advanced use of these frames.

Importantly, the review and consideration of repairs, discussing the good points and weaknesses, anticipates possible complications and learning for future reference.

9 Hours CPD

£90.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

0 +VAT (Member price)

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  • Description

    Topics covered include:

    • Methods commonly available to treat fractures
    • Simple ESF construction
    • More advanced use of ESF
    • Plates and screws to repair common long bone fractures of the dog (minor variations for cats)
    • Anticipating possible complications and how to avoid them

    ** We recommend viewing the learning series 'A Practical Introduction to Orthopaedics' prior to this as 'Moving on with Orthopaedics' follows on from this course and will progress delegates to the next stage in orthopaedic surgery. Please note it can also be viewed in isolation **

  • In association with...

    Paragon Veterinary Referrals

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