Critical Nursing of the Trauma Patient

Paul Aldridge

£35.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

£0 +VAT (Member price)

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A six-part learning series with Paul Aldridge on critical nursing of the trauma patient.

Trauma patients commonly present to us as emergencies. The nature of their injuries dictates prompt triage, stabilisation and then often surgical intervention.

This learning series is suitable for all veterinary nurses and aims to outline a systematic approach; from initial assessment of major body systems at triage, to stabilisation of dyspnoea and ‘shock’, through to the specific management of certain presentations once stable.

5.5 Hours CPD

£35.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

£0 +VAT (Member price)

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  • Description

    Topics covered include: 

    • Triage and assessment of major body systems
    • Stabilising the dyspnoeic patient
    • Shock – how to recognise and treat it
    • Initial wound management – debride and lavage
    • Haemoabdomen patients – what’s different about fluids
    • Diaphragmatic rupture – anaesthesia and surgery

  • In association with...

    Vets Now

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