Case-based Approach to Cardiac Emergencies

Jon Wray

£65.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

£0 +VAT (Member price)

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A six-part video series with Jon Wray on how to approach cardiac emergencies.

Palpitations? Weak at the knees? Feeling faint or in need of resuscitation?

If the thought of dealing with cardiac emergencies makes you feel any of these then this video series with case-based examples aims to give you the confidence to be calm in the face of cardiac catastrophe.

6 Hours CPD

£65.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

£0 +VAT (Member price)

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  • Description

    Topics covered include: 

    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    • Pericardial effusion
    • Congestive heart failure
    • The arrhythmic dog and cat
    • Syncope and collapse in dogs
    • Feline aortic thromboembolism

  • In association with...

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