Anaesthetic Nursing: The Four Phases of Veterinary Anaesthesia

Niamh Clancy
Niamh Clancy

£60.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

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The anaesthesia period has four different phases: pre anaesthesia, induction, maintenance, and recovery, with the veterinary nurse monitoring the patient throughout. Each monitoring parameter can be thought of as a piece of a puzzle. This learning series with Niamh Clancy will help you to understand the information each one is giving you so you can fit all the information together to obtain the bigger picture.

Not only is every patient different, but different drugs also produce different effects, and these can also vary depending on numerous other contributing factors – so no two cases will ever be the same.

6 Hours CPD

£60.00 + VAT (Non-Member price)

0 +VAT (Member price)

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  • Description

    Topics covered include: 

    • Pre anaesthesia patient assessment - the importance of the pre anaesthesia ‘TPR’ and ‘pre-op bloods’
    • Premedication drug selection and pharmacology - a multimodal approach to pain and sedation
    • Anaesthesia induction and maintenance - injectable and volatile agents pharmacology
    • Airway management - discussion of different airway devices, how to place them and how to prepare for a difficult airway
    • Cardiovascular monitoring - ECG interpretation and blood pressure monitoring
    • Respiratory monitoring - Capnography and pulse oximetry monitoring
    • Treating common anaesthetic-related complications: hypothermia, bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, hypoxia
    • The recovery period - how to prepare to recover, when to extubate and what to monitor

  • In association with...

    Royal Veterinary College

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