Optimising Emotional Development in Puppies: The Role of the Veterinary Practice

Dr Sarah Heath
A five-part video series with Dr Sarah Heath, which is suitable for both vets and nurses, considering the emotional development of puppies and how the whole veterinary practice team can play a role in optimising the process for their patients.
The importance of appropriate advice for breeders...
Educating Clients on Puppies and Kittens: The Role of the Veterinary Nurse

Linda Ryan (Roberts)
This learning series with Linda Ryan, focuses on the behavioural development of puppies and kittens. Why it’s so important to get it right from the start and how to be successful in practice-based teaching and client coaching.
The right puppy or kitten selection can set owners and pets up for...
Feline Obesity: Causes, Consequences and Management

Lucy Hoile
Feline obesity is a prevalent condition throughout the UK and across the world, leading to numerous secondary medical conditions which could be prevented or controlled by tackling the obesity and returning the cat to a healthy weight. However feline obesity is not an easily treatable condition; it...
The Role of Nurses in Chronic Renal Disease

Nicola Lakeman
Chronic renal disease is commonly encountered in veterinary practice and is a condition where nurses can make a huge impact on the patients quality of life.
This learning series with Nicola Lakeman is designed to help nurses further their understanding of chronic renal disease in cats and dogs...
Nursing The Endocrine Patient: From Initial Presentation to Long Term Care

Laura Jones
Endocrine Diseases are some of the most common long term medical conditions that we see in veterinary practice and veterinary nurses play a key role in caring for these patients.
This learning series with Laura Jones explores the most common endocrine diseases seen in cats and dogs and details...
Nursing Care of the Seizure Patient

Chloe Fay
Seizures are common in dogs and cats and can be life threatening if left untreated. This learning series with Chloe Fay is designed to provide nurses with a comprehensive working knowledge of seizures and highlights the nurses role in caring for these patients.
From asking the right questions...
Gastric Lavage Procedure

Eleanor Haskey
In this free learning series suitable for both vets and vet nurses, Eleanor Haskey explains the protocol for gastric lavage.
Challenging Anaesthesia Cases for Vet Nurses

Tawny Kershaw
This learning series with Tawny Kershaw is designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to manage challenging anaesthesia cases in first opinion practice. Pathophysiology of disease processes, and implications for anaesthesia are discussed in order to guide you through the...
Anaesthesia for Nurses: Monitoring the Unstable Patient

Courtney Scales
This learning series with Courtney Scales is designed to provide you with the skills to confidently monitor even the most unstable of anaesthetics. The courses will talk you through how to effectively monitor patients using equipment as well as a hands on approach to assess not only depth of...
Nursing the Respiratory Patient

Laura Jones
Respiratory patients are commonly seen in practice, often presenting as high-risk complex cases with intensive care requirements. They can be incredibly challenging to nurse, but extremely rewarding, and allow the veterinary nurse to demonstrate a wide variety of skills. This learning series...