Veterinary Care Assistant Academy – On-Demand


£120.00 + VAT

Central CPD’s bespoke learning series is designed specifically for veterinary care assistants and support staff working in small animal veterinary practices.

The series covers a variety of skills to help expand knowledge and develop an understanding for this essential role. Learning resources have been created by expert veterinary professionals to provide informative materials covering core veterinary topics. In addition to the theory and knowledge provided, an emphasis on practical skills is given in these videos.

On completion of this course, the veterinary care assistant will be prepared for a career in the veterinary profession and will have the confidence to carry out tasks safely and effectively.

Please note that this course is not eligible for Central CPD membership prices.

17 Hours CPD

£120.00 + VAT

  • Description

    Veterinary Care Assistant Academy Topics:

    • Reception and Administrative Skills
    • Infection Control
    • Legislative Requirements of the VCA Role
    • Animal Behaviour
    • Restraint and Handling Techniques
    • Husbandry and Inpatient Care Skills
    • Theatre Responsibilities
    • Introduction to Anatomy
    • Advanced Skills including lab work, bandaging, radiography and physiotherapy techniques

    The Structure:

    • This course can be purchased as an online course only, or as a blended-learning package to include a face-to-face practical attendance day provided at our London skills training centre for just £195+ VAT. See below to book the blended-learning package.
    • 9 online modules comprising of 16 hours of learning resources, advised to be completed over 4 months (based on completing one hour each week).
    • The videos can be watched anytime, anywhere, giving you complete control and flexibility over your learning journey.
    • At the end of each module, a short quiz will test knowledge and understanding of the topic.
    • On completion of this learning series in full, the veterinary care assistant will be issued with a certificate of achievement.
Join Waitlist We will inform you if there is any availability as soon as any places become available