RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Small Animal Clinical Nutrition
Mike Davies qualified from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) and has postgraduate RCVS Certificates in Veterinary Radiology and Small Animal Orthopaedics and a Fellowship by examination in Clinical Nutrition in Cats and Dogs. He is an RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Small Animal Clinical Nutrition
Mike has worked in academia (RVC London as Director of the Beaumont Animals Hospital and Head of Information Services and as Associate Professor in Clinical Practice at the University of Nottingham, in private practice (1st and 2nd opinion referral) and has worked for several pet food manufacturers (including Hill’s Pet Nutrition and Iams) and pharmaceutical companies (including Fort Dodge and Pfizer).
He speaks Internationally on Clinical Nutrition and Geriatrics and founded the original City & Guilds Certificate in Small Animal Nutrition, the British Veterinary Nursing Association Certificates in Small Animal and Exotic Nutrition and currently runs Provet’s Certificate Course in Clinical Nutrition (PCertSACN).
Mike Davies lectures on the following courses
Holistic Nutrition: Navigating Novel Diets and Plant-Based Options